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19 May 2017

Igor Yedmore on Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi     Igor is largely responsible for our R&D.
He's the one who set up our Raspberry Pi web server after our Apache/Windows box went belly up.
He's the one who tried to update the RPi server before backing it up.
He's the one who didn't document setting it up in the first place.
He's the one who had to set it up from scratch again.
Yeah, he's the one.

In these tutorials, Igor provides us with the low-down on the Raspberry Pi and tells us the things we may need to know to get this little gem up and running to spec.

So....You want some pie.....(Revisited)

If you don't know what a Raspberry Pi is, then look elsewhere. There are zillions of pages on the search engines describing what it is, what it does and where you can stick it.
The Raspberry Pi Foundation web site is as good a place as any.

So why these pages? I hear you ask. Well, the Raspberry Pi (RPi) has been around for a few years and in techno terms, a lot can change in that time. Several hardware updates and revisions, as well as software operating system revisions and upgrades.

Just after I had got the RPi up and running as a web server, it crashed. When I came to re-install it, I found that a new OS had been released and most of the instructions on how to set it up were out of date. Also, the operating system was Linux, a style of operating system I had not used for 25 years.

It took me days to get it running to the stage it was before the crash. That lesson learned, I tried to make sure it was backed up regularly in case of another crash.

All went according to plan, until one day I tried to update the OS and found that, because I had not updated the OS for over a year, it would refuse to complete the update/ upgrade process.

Seems it's best to update/upgrade regularly to 'keep in step' with the latest versions. I downloaded the latest OS image, but when I tried to set it up, following my own instructions, which I had written down to make it easy, it became apparent that a lot had changed. It simply did not stick to the steps I had taken before.

On the following pages, I will tell you the steps we took to install the current version of the OS (at the time of writing, Raspbian Jessie). Then, if you are interested, I will tell you how to add users, how to share files across a Windows network, how to set up and run a web server and maybe some other useful stuff. Along the way I will try to explain why this is more complicated than a Windows user is accustomed to. Add this page to your favourites. Visit often. Visit our sponsors. These pages will change as we continue our R&D using this cool bit of kit.

------------ Igor
