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Page last updated
21 March 2021


Arduino     Experience and examples of our projects using Arduino and its periphery.

Including, but not limited to:

Introduction to our Arduino pages

Our experince with some TFT and Touch screens

BBC Micro

BBC Micro     Some BBC Micro stuff.

Very much under construction.

Introducing our BBC Model B

One of our projects to expand the user port

Raspberry Pi

Here you will find some up to date information on our Raspberry Pi projects. Much of the information out on the net is old and unuseable. We hope that here, you will find up-to-date, meaningful and useful information about Raspberry Pi.

Quick Links

Introduction to our Raspberry Pi pages

Setting up Raspberry pi from scratch

Headless Operation

Tidying up the initial setup

Remote connection using SSH

Remote connection using Remote Desktop

Users, folders, files and permissions

Adding new users


MQTT Broker

MQTT clients

Testing MQTT


Arduino     Experience and examples of our robot projects.

Including, but not limited to:

Introduction to our Robotics pages

Our 360 degree radar projects


Wemos     Our first foray into the world of the Wemos D1 Mini.

Here we get a wemos up and running with a cheap TFT LCD screen.

Introduction to our Wemos pages

under construction