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A to D converter expansion board

ads1115    We are working on this page now.

ADS1115 4 channel a to d expansion module

ads1115    We are working on this page now.

Simple MicroPython code example

from machine import Pin, I2C
from time import sleep_ms

i2c = I2C(0, scl=Pin(17), sda=Pin(16), freq=400000)

ads = i2c

ads1115_addr = 0x48 # dec 72

# ads analog ins
adsIn_1 = 0
adsIn_2 = 0
adsIn_3 = 0
adsIn_4 = 0

def readAdsConfig():
     ads.writeto(ads1115_addr, bytearray([1]))
     result = ads.readfrom(ads1115_addr, 2)

     return result[0] << 8 | result[1]

def readAdsValue(channel, config):
    # add a try catch request timeout???

     config &= ~(7<<12) # clear MUX
     config &= ~(7<<9) # clear PGA

     config |= (4 + channel)<<12

     config |= (1<<15) # trigger conversion

     config |= (1<<9) # Gain 4.09

     config = [int(config>>i & 0xff) for i in [8,0]]

     ads.writeto(ads1115_addr, bytearray([1] + config))

     config = readAdsConfig()

     while (config == 0x4383):
         config = readAdsConfig()

     ads.writeto(ads1115_addr, bytearray([0]))


     result = ads.readfrom(ads1115_addr, 2)

     return result[0] << 8 | result[1]

config = readAdsConfig()

while True:

     print("adsIn_0 = ", readAdsValue(0, config), end = ', ')
     print("adsIn_1 = ", readAdsValue(1, config), end = ', ')
     print("adsIn_2 = ", readAdsValue(2, config), end = ', ')
     print("adsIn_3 = ", readAdsValue(3, config))

